Galileo's Insights on Human Nature |
 In 1623, Galileo, one of the greatest
scientists of the millennium, precisely characterized human response to new
ideas in a letter written to Don Virginio Cesarini, translated by Stillman
Drake, in Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo, Anchor Books, Doubleday,
1957: |
Quotes |
That man will be very fortunate who, led by some unusual inner light,
shall be able to turn from the dark and confused labyrinths within which
he might have gone forever wandering with the crowd and becoming ever
more entangled. Therefore, in the matter of philosophy, I consider it
not very sound to judge a man’s opinion by the number of his followers.
have never understood, Your Excellency, why it is that every one of the studies
I have published in order to please or to serve other people has aroused in some
men a certain perverse urge to detract, steal, or depreciate that modicum of
merit which I thought I had earned, if not for my work, at least for its
intention. In my Starry Messenger there were revealed many new and
marvelous discoveries in the heavens that should have gratified all
lovers of true science; yet scarcely had it been printed when men sprang
up everywhere who envied the praises belonging to the discoveries there
revealed. Some, merely to contradict what I had said, did not scruple to
cast doubt upon things they had seen with their own eyes again and
again....How many men attacked my Letters
on Sunspots, and under what disguises! The material contained therein ought
to have opened the mind's eye much room for admirable speculation;
instead it met with scorn and derision. Many people disbelieved it or
failed to appreciate it. Others, not wanting to agree with my ideas,
advanced ridiculous and impossible opinions against me; and some,
overwhelmed and convinced by my arguments, attempted to rob me of that
glory which was mine, pretending not to have seen my writings and trying
to represent themselves as the original discoverers of these impressive
marvels.... I have said nothing of certain unpublished private discussions,
demonstrations, and propositions of mine which have been impugned or
called worthless....Long experience has taught me this
about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less
people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue
concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of
things renders men cautious in passing judgment upon anything new.
Remarks by
J. Marvin Herndon |
Human nature does not
change on a time scale of a few hundred of years. Over a lifetime of
experience in science, I have had the same experiences as Galileo, but I
doubt I could have expressed them as eloquently. In light of Galileo's
remarks, one must seriously question the wisdom of "secret peer-review",
which dominates and controls much of modern science activity. Return to
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